The State of the Humanitarian Energy Sector 2022

The GPA State of Humanitarian Energy Sector (SOHES) report is the first of its kind analysis of the main issues facing the humanitarian energy sector.

The report, which is jointly co-authored by GPA steering group institutions Chatham House, IOM, SEforALL, GIZ, Practical Action, NORCAP, Mercy Corps, Selco Foundation, the International Lifeline Fund, and UNHCR, places the voices of refugees and displaced people at the centre of humanitarian energy issues. The analysis delves into  core cross-sectoral areas and explores their relevance within energy for displacement in 2022, such as governance and coordination, effective delivery, critical data, policy, funding and finance, as well as climate action. The final two chapters of the report present practical recommendations, outline advocacy targets and messaging, and suggest ways to drive the sector forward over the coming years. 



  • Guidance
  • Report
  • Policy
  • Global
  • Global
  • Data, Research, and Evidence
  • Household Access to Electricity
  • Planning and Coordination
  • Policy, Advocacy and Host Community Resilience
  • Emerging Topics
  • Innovative Finance and Funding
  • Energy
  • EN

Last updated: 20/07/2022

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