The vast majority of the world’s refugees and displaced people live with darkness, smoke and pollution. An estimated 94 percent of people in displacement camps lack electricity, and 81 percent rely on firewood and charcoal for cooking. Without access to electric power or sustainable cooking solutions, they face considerable challenges – limited livelihoods and educational opportunities, physical accidents in the dark, pollution from smoke in homes, and life without light. Lack of access to energy is an underlying cause of illness, extreme poverty, and mental trauma that affect displaced people in camps and within displacement settings. These are a few of the findings of the recently launched Global Platform for Action for Sustainable Energy in Displacement Settings (GPA) State of the Humanitarian Energy Sector (SOHES) 2022. Following COP27 in Egypt, the GPA and NORCAP are hosting a joint webinar to present the latest analysis on the sector's major challenges, progress and issues. The event will feature speakers from practitioner, academic, and policy organisations to discuss and describe the important topics facing the humanitarian energy world today. A keynote presentation on the State of the Humanitarian Energy Sector report will present the main findings, followed by an interactive discussion on how the sector's future, obligations, and progress in a discussion with global shapers and national shakers, and displaced populations.
Find more info of the report here.
Last updated: 28/11/2022