Building Energy Markets in Displacement Settings

Event Details

16th July 2024

13:00 - 14:30 CEST


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How can humanitarian actors strengthen markets for energy products and services in refugee camps and settlements, and their host communities? We held a webinar on 16 July 2024 as part of the READS programme to explore how market-based sustainable energy solutions can be designed and implemented in displacement settings. A huge thank you to the READS programme partners SNV in Kenya, Mercy Corps in Uganda, and Practical Action in Rwanda for their great presentations and insightful reflections! Our fantastic panelists Christine Navalayo Uluma, Purity Kendi and Christa Kageruka shared many interesting examples of innovative energy interventions and promising solutions from their organisations’ work.

Missed the session? Watch the recording here.

➡️Learn more about the Roadmaps for Energy Access in Displacement Settings (READS) programme here.

Last updated: 18/07/2024

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